Golf Truly Is For Everyone

Golf Truly Is For Everyone

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Its Saturday, Let's Play Golf!

     Are you playing today? It is Saturday, you know. You are off from work today and it is the day that you can make it out to the course to enjoy the great game we play. I have got news for you and this may come as a shock. You are not the only one with that idea. That's a scary thought, isn't it?
     Are you ready for that five or more hour round?  Unfortunately that is just the nature of the beast. So many more golfers are on the course on the weekends because that is the only chance they get to play during the week. Throw in a club tournament and the course gets a bit more crowded and the round can take even longer.  It really doesn't have to be that way if we follow a few tips. Remember that there are others playing behind us and they want to finish their round too.
     As best you can, stay up with the group in front of you.  This takes a lot of thought and planning on your part. Think about the next shot you are going to hit as you are going to your ball, not when you get to it. If you have played the course you are on, you probably know the course well enough to have already chosen the shot and club before you make it to your ball.  When you do get to your ball, play the shot when it is your turn--as soon as it is your turn. Hit the shot and then go to your ball.  Its sort of like shampoo, rinse, repeat.
     Here is something that I see all the time and really slows down the game. Please go to your own ball and hit it.  Why is it that on a golf course we get a herd mentality and feel that we need to go to each others ball and watch the shot? Please go to your ball and be ready to hit after the person in your foursome has hit. We are not cattle and shouldn't bunch together like that. You see it all the time.  Yes, golf is a social sport but I would like to get my round in before my next birthday in March. Go to your ball and be ready to hit when it is your turn.  You are a big boy or girl now and I think you can handle that.
     When you are approaching the green and are on the green, start reading the putt from off the green as you approach the green. Also keep in mind that that putt is not War and Peace, but an easy reading flier announcing the next club tournament. Besides, you are not playing for a million dollars so why take so much time reading the putt.
      If you are not playing for a million dollars, it is OK to pick up a putt if you are within a short distance. If you are within a foot of the hole and unless you have a foreboding feeling that the world is going to end because an asteroid will hit the earth and destroy all of creation if you don't pick up the putt, pick up the putt. If you are concerned that it will effect your 25 handicap, practice the putt on the practice green.
     If your ball goes out of bounds, into a lake or you just can't find it look for it but just don't take too long. Besides, there are poorer golfers behind you that could use that brand new ProV. Something to consider too is maybe you shouldn't be playing that five dollar ProV is you are going to lose them so often.  Bottom line here is that if you haven't found the ball after five minutes, drop and hit another one. And please don't try to fish that ball out of the lake if it is in the middle of the lake. If you can get it, fine but if you can't please remember that there are people behind you. Drop a new ball and get going.
     What about the required "Beer Wagon" and buying refreshment while on the course. I am a militant about this one and if it were up to me I would say buy your refreshment at the turn or when the round is over. However, with the business of golf and revenues being what they are at the respective courses this has become a necessity for the courses. Please be respectful of those behind you. Purchase your refreshments when play is slow ahead of you or at opportune times such as at the tee when the fairway is not clear. You can also buy from the cart when the green is not clear and you are waiting for the group to putt out. Whatever you do, make sure your purchase is quick and don't flirt with the cart girl. I didn't say that, did I?
     What about twosomes and threesomes. First, at a busy course this should not be an issue. Twosomes should be paired together and if you have a single pair them up with a twosome or a threesome. Should you have a threesome and there is a foursome ahead of you and you think they are playing slow, relax and enjoy the game. There is probably nowhere to go in front of them.  This is the weekend you know. Please don't ask to play through.  The odds are good there is nowhere to go anyway. If you try to play through you will be guilty of slowing them down and in such slowing the whole course down as your actions will impact those groups behind you,
     One last thing, and this is the responsibility of the course. NO FIVESOMES ON WEEKENDS!  Yes, I have seen some fivesomes move rather quickly but most don't.  I have nothing against fivesomes during the week if they play quickly, but not on the weekend when play is slow as it is.
     Its wonderful that you have chosen to play golf today on Saturday. Any day on the course is a day well spent. Should you be a little bit anxious about how much time it is taking to play the game just remember that golf is a game of perspectives. Let's put this all in perspective. I say relax and enjoy your round. You could be at home washing the car, cutting the grass or washing dishes. Have fun! Enjoy the game and the view.
Sit back and enjoy the game and the view.

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