Golf Truly Is For Everyone

Golf Truly Is For Everyone

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Growin' Up Golfer: Part 2

      As a thirteen year old growing up in the late 60's golf was not a "cool" sport.  You on the top of the athletic chain if you played Babe Ruth baseball or Pop Warner football. A golf existence was a sort of covert affair, and you never admitted that you you learning to play golf to just anyone.  It was like you were a part of a secret society and only a few chosen kids were part of that society. It was not "cool" and you were definitely looked down upon as some sort of freak.  Thirteen and learning how to play golf was some sort of anathema. Those of us "in the club" knew that golf was something special, and did not let the views of others deter us.  We were courageous!  Golf was a passion.  We got good grades and played golf.
        Remember I told you about that seven iron and five iron I got to start my lessons with.  Soon after my first lesson, a good friend came by the house and bore a very special gift. He knew that I was ready to have a go at the real course after the few lessons I had taken so he brought over one night a "Slammin Sammy Snead" golf club starter set of 3, 5 7 and 9 irons with a driver and a three wood--these were real woods by the way.  Included in the set was an old flat blade Otey Crissman putter.  In fact, I still have that putter.  I loved that putter and was deadly with it.
       My first encounter with a golf course was a stint on a par three course, we called them "pitch and putts" back in the day.  I don't remember what I shot, but I remember having a lot of fun.  A couple of weeks later I was invited to play a real course with another good friend of mine. This was a full size course and we played the whole eighteen holes. I think I got about six balls up in the air, but I putted well and shot a 156.  I will never forget that day, and the hook was very firmly set.  Golf was my game. It was now a burning passion.
        I am now in my sixty second year on this Earth and my passion for golf has remained a burning fire within me. I don't get to play as much as I used to, but the game is still a lot of fun. That passion remains, even stronger now.
Spent a lot of time playing miniature golf as well.  Helps with the putting technique.

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