Tomorrow is Tuesday, November 8th. It is the second Tuesday in the month of November and in most years that is not very special a day. Most years it is just another Tuesday, just like the Tuesday before it. This year things are different. This is Election Day, the day here in the United States of America we go to the polls and cast our votes for our elected officials and this year the vote is even more special because it is a Presidential Election Year which only rolls around every four years. Most Americans know this as do many around the world. What many Americans don't realize is just how special this process is. They also don't realize the importance of this action and just how special a process this is. We get to vote, and I hope that if you are an eligible voter you have either cast an early ballot or are going to go to your polling place and vote on Tuesday. I am.
Tomorrow, I am not going to be playing golf nor am I going to be able to post. I am posting this today because I am going to be a bit busy all day, beginning very.early in the day. I am taking the voting process one step further. For the first time in my life, I will be working at a polling site assisting voters and insuring the voting process is kept free of corruption and working to keep the total integrity of the ballot kept intact. This is a very important piece of the elections puzzle as there is much work to be done running an election. Its easy to cast your ballot, but what happens to your ballot after it is cast is important and your vote must be insured its integrity. I am excited to be a part of that process, my participation in the voting process being more than just going to the polls and voting. I have volunteered to be a poll worker.
This election is historic, for a number of reasons. We will be electing a new President here in the U.S. and the world will be watching. Who I support for that office is basically none of your concern and I get to choose. That is the beauty of all this. We do this individually and in secret. This election is not only who will be President, but who we elect as our leaders from the national scene--President and Congressional-- all the way down to the local levels of Mayor. In California, we have a direct say as to how the state is governed through our ballot initiative process and there are some very important ones on this year's ballot.
If you are an American citizen exercise your number one right and VOTE!
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